Responsible Procurement Policy

At Hotel Centre-Ville, we believe that our procurement choices have a significant impact on the environment, society, and the economy. As such, we are committed to integrating responsible purchasing practices into all our business activities. This policy aims to guide our purchasing decisions to promote sustainability, ethics, and social responsibility throughout our supply chain.


Reducing Environmental Impact
Select suppliers and products that minimize ecological footprint by prioritizing sustainable materials, eco-friendly production practices, and innovative solutions that reduce waste and emissions.

Promoting Ethics and Human Rights
Work with partners who respect workers' rights, adhere to fair labor standards, and are committed to eliminating forced labor, discrimination, or exploitation.

Supporting Local Economies
Favor local suppliers and small businesses to stimulate local economic development and reduce transportation distances.

Transparency and Traceability
Ensure complete traceability of our supply chains to guarantee that the products and services we purchase meet our ethical and environmental standards.

Guiding Principles

Supplier Evaluation
We conduct a rigorous evaluation of our suppliers, considering environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. Suppliers must demonstrate compliance with international standards on human rights, working conditions, environmental stewardship, and anti-corruption.

Product Selection
We prioritize products certified by recognized ecological or ethical labels and encourage the use of recycled or recyclable materials, as well as products designed for long-term durability.

Collaboration and Engagement
We work closely with our suppliers to improve sustainability practices throughout the supply chain, sharing knowledge, offering training, and supporting social responsibility initiatives.

Risk Reduction
We identify and manage potential risks associated with our procurement, including environmental, social, and governance risks, by implementing regular monitoring and control mechanisms.

By adopting this responsible procurement policy, Hotel Centre-Ville is committed to using its purchasing power to promote a fairer, more sustainable, and ethical economy. We believe that every purchase is an opportunity to have a positive impact on our environment and society, and we are determined to make choices that reflect our values and vision for a sustainable future.